Šimon Kucharský

\v{S}imon Kucharsk\'{y}

I am a computational psychologist enthusiastic about (Bayesian) statistics and programming.

I am currently working at the Department of Statistics at TU Dortmund in a lab group led by Paul Bürkner, focusing on applications and improvements of the BayesFlow framework. You can read more about my project on Paul’s website.

Previously, I worked at the University of Amsterdam, split between the Bayes lab of Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, and the Baby Lab Amsterdam lead by Ingmar Visser and Maartje Raijmakers. My work there primarily consisted of developing Bayesian models and methodology for eye-tracking applications, mostly in the field of experimental and developmental psychology.

I also worked as a programmer for JASP, and continue my interests and involvement in its further development.


  • Bayesian statistics
  • Cognitive modeling
  • Eye-tracking
  • Programming


PhD in Psychological Methods
University of Amsterdam, 2018-2024
Msc. in Psychological Methods
University of Amsterdam, 2016-2018
Bc. in Psychology
Charles University in Prague, 2013-2016